Happy Dopamine-Day

assorted cooked foods

Thanksgiving is a powerful thing. Not the holiday. Well, that too. I like the holiday. It’s nice. Probably our favourite ‘adopted’ holiday of the year. But thanksgiving, gratefulness, gratitude… It’s powerful! When we practice thanksgiving or gratefulness we activate a part of the brain that is associated with cognitive and emotional processes and it releases […]

Rare Leadership – Part 3 of 3


“Let’s just be friends!” No, it’s not our anniversary, and no, those aren’t words I was told by anyone personally – at least not recently. Why the wedding cake? Keep reading… Hallmark Christmas movie season is upon us, and soon enough someone will have to utter those words in a painfully anticlimactic scene by a […]

Rare Leadership – Part 2 of 3

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Picture a runner in the desert, all by herself. Classic desert, just sand, for as far as the eye can see. Slowly the scene moves from wide horizons to up close with the runner. Wait, is that a prosthetic leg? In the meantime it’s the deep voice of Idris Elba telling you that the runner […]

Rare Leadership – Part 1 of 3

mri images of the brain

Rare Leadership.  Last week I made a promise that I would be sharing a few more key insights from this remarkable book. My team knows that it’s been a refreshing leadership book that I can’t stop talking about. It’s helped find more language to a few key values that are very important in our organisation. […]

Get Muddy

burning wood above rocks

Food, games, dirty feet and clean slates.  This weekend we took our whole team on a retreat in the mountains.  It was cold. We got muddy. We laughed. We cried. Things got real.  We shared stories about the past 5 years and how it has led us to the place we have arrived today. And […]

Who gets the credit?

crop unrecognizable person packing ceramic tableware in parchment

Our living room is filled with moving boxes and there’s no book left on our bookshelf. Everything is in boxes, waiting to be moved to the new home. I finally packed my first box yesterday, and then spent more time telling everyone about my moment of pride than the time I spent packing it.  Until […]

Mandela called her ‘Lizzie’

guards standing near building

The news must have come your way in many shapes and forms and there is lots to read about the passing and the life of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. A tragic moment for a nation and mostly her close relatives. A great article about her life as a Queen was done by The Economist […]

Measure of Success

woman on rock platform viewing city

It’s not every day you get to talk to the parents of people you’re hiring or interviewing for job openings. We believe so strongly in the phrase ‘people over projects,’ that we always make it a priority to get on the phone with friends, previous leaders, colleagues or family members of our new team members. […]

How are we doing, Europe?

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We’re not doing so great in Europe. Well, that’s according to the highly respected Jon Clifton and his buddies over at Gallup. “It’s a great place to live, but a terrible place to work.” This has long been said about Spain, but is it true of all of Europe? Jon Clifton at Twitter.com If you’ve […]

‘Two wolves’

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When you have kids with ages ranging between 15 and 6 it can be nearly impossible to pick a movie that everyone likes. Let’s forget about what the parents like for a second. The other day we watched Tomorrowland. Although the kids weren’t overly excited about it there was one quote that stuck with me […]