Privilege to Dream

Who doesn’t love a good summer road trip? Besides hour-long playlists and quick little games you can play across however many rows of seats your car may have, what are some of your favourite ways to spend time on the road? 

For our family, we like to dream out loud as we see the other cars and trees fly by outside our rolled down windows. Reflecting on seasons past, looking forward to what’s ahead. 

Road trips are fun, but having a decent break from our daily lives obviously also helps us reflect on where we’re all at in life, what are some things we enjoy about our daily lives, and – here’s another family favourite – what’s something to be proud of? 

As we reflect and ask ourselves these questions and glance in the rear view mirror of our lives, it’s clear in the analogy of the road trip that that’s not the direction we’re going. So what about what’s still ahead? Do we have clarity of how to get from A to B? 

Here’s a few more questions we like asking each other on the way from A to B. How can I add more value to people around me? Does the work I do still help add that value? What are some hopes & dreams for the new school year? Where do we see ourselves as a family in 5 years from now? Where do you think we’ll live, what are some new skills and talents we want to develop? 

As we were dreaming together we realised what a privilege it is to have such conversations. Not everyone is in a position in which they can even consider what they might be able to change about their lives. What are we going to do with this privilege?

“Once we understand the privilege to dream, it is no longer just an option, but it comes with an obligation to steward this privilege to its full potential.”  

Roadtrip Inspiration

We’re so used to just grabbing our phone for any trip, type in the address of where we’re going and follow the instructions for the next ten minutes or the next ten hours, following directions blindly. Isn’t this how we often tend to cruise through our lives?

While we can appreciate good technology, every time we stop for the necessary breaks I like checking the different routes to see if we’re still on the right track. What’s important is not just what is going to be the fastest way to get from A to B, but also most energy efficient (hello 2022) and, if time permits it, the most fun or scenic way to get there.  

Keep checking your rear view mirrors, but remember: that’s not where you’re going. You might be taking some time off as well this summer. Check your maps, plot your course. Remind yourself of your horizon and recalibrate if needed. Own the privilege to dream and take responsibility for it. Oh and don’t just take the most efficient route or the one that gets you there fastest or the one that saves you most gas. Take the scenic route and have a little fun with it!

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