Rare Leadership – Part 3 of 3


“Let’s just be friends!” No, it’s not our anniversary, and no, those aren’t words I was told by anyone personally – at least not recently. Why the wedding cake? Keep reading… Hallmark Christmas movie season is upon us, and soon enough someone will have to utter those words in a painfully anticlimactic scene by a […]

Rare Leadership – Part 2 of 3

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Picture a runner in the desert, all by herself. Classic desert, just sand, for as far as the eye can see. Slowly the scene moves from wide horizons to up close with the runner. Wait, is that a prosthetic leg? In the meantime it’s the deep voice of Idris Elba telling you that the runner […]

Rare Leadership – Part 1 of 3

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Rare Leadership.  Last week I made a promise that I would be sharing a few more key insights from this remarkable book. My team knows that it’s been a refreshing leadership book that I can’t stop talking about. It’s helped find more language to a few key values that are very important in our organisation. […]

Get Muddy

burning wood above rocks

Food, games, dirty feet and clean slates.  This weekend we took our whole team on a retreat in the mountains.  It was cold. We got muddy. We laughed. We cried. Things got real.  We shared stories about the past 5 years and how it has led us to the place we have arrived today. And […]

Review: Blinkist, Lucid, Mentorist, Headway, Shortform, StoryShots

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The information age. The good, the bad and the ugly. While we can access every bit of data at the tip of our fingers, do we really experience anything more deeply than that, or just it all just stay at surface level?  Here’s a thing that is a bit of a mystery to me. Podcasts […]