Speaker for your event

Vibrant storytelling with stimulating content and creative application will help your audience be inspired and equipped.

Leaders are Learners​

We’re never done learning. Corporate leadership training events can be real milestones in the life of a company or team. I love taking our teams to conferences or inviting speakers to share their input and challenges with us. It refreshes us in our clarity of vision, it equips us to move towards our goals and it binds us together in a shared experience.

Public Speaking​

With experience in public speaking on nearly every continent, I love the challenge of finding the ‘language’ of my audience and brainstorming with the hosts of the event to see what is going to be the most impactful message, delivered creatively with a clear practical application.


Inviting a speaker for your event should be like initiating a partnership. I would love to hear about your event, your target audience, your projected outcomes, whether the event is in-person or online, and how I can help you reach your highest hopes for this opportunity. 

Answer the five questions below or plan an exploratory call – no obligations.

Five questions about your next event